About Us

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Brighter Prep is Dubai’s premier international test prep and admissions consulting company. 

Brighter Prep was founded in 2011 out of a few people’s sincere desire to help teenagers and young professionals from all backgrounds get in touch with their authentic vision of the way they wish their careers to develop, and to identify the exact steps they need to walk in that direction.

We are dedicated to not only guide the students to properly identify their career goals, as well as design and follow a strategy towards achieving them, but also empowering them to become guides for themselves for the future, as well as for others. By giving them the tools necessary to access this information, they become agents of sharing knowledge and contribute to adding value to other people’s lives. This is part of Brighter Prep’s vision of empowering the youth to grow through education.

What we do 

Through our study centers in Dubai, Jumeirah lake towers (JLT) near knowledge village, Abu Dhabi and Istanbul we aim to offer the most comprehensive preparation for students looking to study abroad, focusing on three main areas of international education:

Test preparation

English proficiency classes

Educational consulting

Additionally, we are aware that success in any endeavor is an attitude game, and doing well in standardized tests requires soft skills that are usually neglected in traditional education settings. Hence, we offer all our students workshops on

Time management, 

Stress & emotions management, 

Goal setting & strategy,

which are specially designed to help them excel in their preparation process for studying abroad.

We specialize in GMAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, IB, BMAT, UKCAT, APs, ISAT, MCAT, LNAT, IELTS, TOEFL and Spoken English courses, and we offer our students three options for going about their preparation:

Group course

Individual course

Hybrid course (a combination of group classes and individual sessions)

Admission into all test preparatory classes is based on a diagnostic test followed by a consultation and curriculum specific strategies.

Why us?

We strive to offer our students a very different experience of test preparation, and we take a holistic approach to achieving that goal. Some of the aspects we consider crucial here at Brighter Prep are:

our materials have been designed by keeping in mind the 20 – 80 principle of “20% of our efforts give us 80% of our results”, so through years of faculty research we have distilled the bulk of information that would seem necessary in test preparation to the 20% that is actually necessary

we focus on enhancing our students’ skills rather than simply delivering information

we do not emphasize learning rules; instead, we challenge our students to build critical thinking

we follow a rigorous blend of classroom teaching, regular assignments, and mock tests

we offer 80 to 120 hours of intense course preparation

we keep our batches small in other to ensure the required personalized attention

our trainers are also mentors, and each student is given time to seek clarification from the expert on a one-on-one basis, aiming to consolidate each of their strengths and identify the weaker areas the students need to work on

we focus on the soft skills needed to achieve success in test preparation, rather than solely on the hard skills

Our preparation strategy takes our students on a gradual process of enhancing accuracy, increasing speed and then improving stamina, all of which indispensable steps in reaching their set goals.

We do not want to create a relationship of dependency with our students, where they come back to us over and over again for answers. We desire, instead, to empower them to find their own answers and resources required for achieving their goals. We don’t just give information. We strive to enhance skills and change attitudes.

We are very excited and grateful every time we are given the opportunity to help a new person reach his or her most valued goals.


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