Libby Kokemoor

Admissions Consultant and GMAT Trainer, Pomona College

A graduate of top-ranked liberal arts school Pomona College, Libby is originally from rural Wisconsin and loves music, traveling, and learning new languages. She has scored 730 on the GMAT (99th Percentile Verbal) and 2290 on the SAT (800 Reading, 800 Writing).
With an extensive knowledge of business school admissions in the US, Europe, and elsewhere, Libby loves helping students to craft successful business school and graduate program applications. Having tutored English grammar, vocabulary, and essay writing for non-native speakers before joining Brighter Prep, she also enjoys working with students to decode sentence structure and make grammar rules accessible and easy to understand.
At Pomona, Libby sang in the choir and Glee Club, served as student liaison for the International Relations program, and was a member of the college’s student judicial board. Her other experiences include teaching in Singapore, studying abroad in Alexandria, Egypt and internships at non-profit and government offices in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles.

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